Plastic body with cut out windows and nice details of silver painted headlights and taillights. Plain
...BoB Gilmore, co-founder of the vintagevolkswagenmodels website:
"I have been interested in Vintage Volkswagens for over 54 years now and still enjoy all aspects of the hobby. It all started while in the US Army stationed in Germany in 1969...."
Read full Bob's story on his profile page
"Since 1975, I have been interested in researching and finding the history and additional information about the Vintage Split and Oval VW toys in my collection. I have had over 1,300 pages published in various VW automobile magazines. The photos and articles not only feature the original Vintage VW Models and Toys but also my Restor-Version Shop projects as well! Here is a sample of some of my articles from over the years featured in these 4 VW magazines to chose from! Enjoy reading!"
Plastic body with cut out windows and nice details of silver painted headlights and taillights. Plain
...The model was of a construction type and came in a small flat box with a very colorful cover and
...The historical Dein KdF Wagen sales brochure is so very colorful with the front cover from the
...Several thousand people also attended the Cornerstone Ceremony and because of the isolated area in
...The Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC) operates a large fleet of mobile mechanics in