In furtherance of our basic objectives, we have established this web site to serve as an international networking point for our members to promote goodwill and fellowship to provide and/or obtain information on the VW model and toys. Another objective of this site is to identify and catalog all the manufacturers, colors and differences of the Vintage VW Models and Toys.
We however aim to share all information we have on these models with you. In return, we ask all our readers to share information they have on these models or even models we have not yet listed with us. By doing this, the website can become a focal point with all information we can find on our wonderful hobby.
This also allows you to meet enthusiasts with similar VW interests and to provide the resources of sharing and exchanging information to help you enjoy your vintage Volkswagen Model and Toys hobby to the fullest. So join, and start sending us information and pictures to support this information. Please make sure that you own the legal rights of the pictures you send us or that you have proof that the pictures may be used by you to be published on the website.